The Designer

Designer, Nadiyah Shakoor-Abdur Rahim, has been designing fragrant oils for more than 30 years. Inspired to launch an all women's fragrance line in 2018. Her knowledge of custom blending coupled with the motivation to supply women's fragrances that are worn discreetly, thus gave birth to the FOR RIGHTEOUS WOMEN® fragrance Line.

Launched USA/Ramadan

1439/May 2018.


What we believe

Righteousness is not whether you turn your face towards the East or the West; but righteousness is to believe in Allah, the Last Day, the Angels, the Books, and the Prophets, to spend in wealth, inspite of love for it, on relatives, orphans, helpless, needy travelers, those who ask for and on the redemption of captives; to establish Salah, to pay the Zakah, to fulfill promises when made, to be stedfast in poverty, hardship and at the time of war. Those are the ones who are truthful and those are the ones who are the pious. (2:177)

Our mission

The FOR RIGHTEOUS WOMEN® Line is dedicated to the Four Righteous Women promised Paradise in this life. They led exemplary lives, lives worthy of patterning. Therefore, in our estimation, their lives are worthy to dedicate a complete line of discreet women's fragrance, to honor them and other Righteous Women in time that has pass/past. Forthcoming other Righteous Women fragrances soon introduced and others can by designed upon request.